Thursday, June 21, 2012

Day 7 - Holy cow it's been a week!

Wow, what a day.  The kitchen is back in order.  The dogs stayed home BY THEMSELVES and were fine.  Costco took $400 of mine, as I passed through every aisle and grabbed every product they sold.  Never ever go on an empty stomach, with a kitchen that needs to be completely stocked, and with a hungry teenager coming your way.  Oh, the meals we are going to eat!  The dogs made out as well - two brand new puffy soft beds and two big bags of rawhide bones.  Yum yum!  I don't think I missed a meat either.  Salmon?  Check. Bison?  Check.  Beef?  Check. Chicken?  Check. Pork?  Check.  I also bought the big bag of pre-peeled garlic.  The dogs are about to start a new diet of daily garlic with fish oil and glucosamine supplements.  The magic of garlic will be good in general for them, but the vet has been talking regularly about getting them both fish oil supplements, and the glucosamine for Charlie's joints.  So far no problems.  I have one happy puppy dog, even with TTA surgery just seven short days ago.  You'd never know that a surgeon just took a saw to his leg and cut it in half last Friday.

So now the bigger issue.  Apparently staples don't agree with Charlie.  When he came home from getting the bandages off yesterday I noticed that a few seemed to be missing at the top of his incision.  Then when he laid down on his bed I noticed a staple had popped off his incision.  When I explained it to the vet they said to keep an eye on it.  Today I took another look and noticed the incision was opening pretty wide, so I e-mailed the hospital.  Before the second e-mail even went through they called to schedule him for new sutures tomorrow.  So ... off we go back to the hospital.  I asked the hospital manager if he was going to be sedated.  I think she understood me to ask because of the possible cost.  On the other end of the phone, however, I heard Dr. Romero mimicking my own thoughts, saying that sedation might be best for Charlie.  It seems the doctor is still on a quest to get Charlie to be very happy around him.  There may still be hope for those two to be friends, but it ain't looking good for the near future.  The good news is that his incision should be fixed by tomorrow evening.  The bad news is that he will now have even more meds beginning tomorrow, according to the hospital manager, and instead of getting the staples out next Friday he will now most likely be looking at a new 10 - 14 day schedule from tomorrow.  Which means that lovely cone he's so fond of will be in his future for a little bit longer.  

But he's doing very well, he's very happy [mostly when he is sans cone], and the future looks good for his new leg.  And one of these days we might even get some time in for his wonderful sister Lucy.

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