Friday, June 22, 2012

Day 8 - Time for new staples

Another good day waking up in Charlie's house.  First thing in the morning we're off to survey the neighbors, the passersby, the general state of the cul-de-sac.  Everything's looking good.  Next up, time for the daily head dive into the flowers.  Check.

And, now it's time for breakfast.  This morning was a treat.  The leftover eggs and peppers were turned into a breakfast extravangaza.  There was leftover steamed milk from yesterday's latte, so I took a stale ciabatta roll and soaked it in the milk.  Add that to the sauteed eggs and peppers, throw in about 40 chopped garlic cloves, and voila.  Toss with kibble and breakfast is served.  

The medicine cabinet is growing though.  Since the painkiller is apparently bitter, as the vet now tells me, we've pretty much wiped that out of the daily ritual.  If he's not complaining, I'm not going to worry about feeding him more meds.  So as of today we're at 3 antibiotics, 3 fish oils, 2 glucosamine, and 1 anti-inflammatory.  Twice a day.  There may not be enough hot dogs in the local stores to keep up this regimen.  However, he is taking the medicine now, without dispute, so if it takes another 10 packs of hot dogs to get through this that's fine by me.

Today we were back in the car heading over to the vet.  They scheduled him for a 4:00 PM appointment to add in more staples, since they were not staying in at the top of the incision.  As is now standard protocol with Charlie and Dr. Romero, the vet visit went by Charlie's terms.  He made the vet lie on the floor, using Charlie's stomach as his pillow, stapling Charlie's leg upside-down.  The vet keeps thanking me for going above and beyond, but seriously, he is really getting a workout with Charlie.  The tech had a hard time keeping Charlie's leg up so Dr. Romero could reach it.  I can't remember how many times I've now heard, "wow, Charlie is STRONG."  But we're all set with the staples now, and Charlie is good with getting in and out of the car.  He even got by me today and jumped up on the couch.  He is clearly heading full-speed into recovery.  The vet was gracious enough to add another antibiotic to the regimen, so I'll be heading back to the store for more hot dogs soon.  It's the only thing I should run out of this month after that monster trip to Costco yesterday.

But all in all it was a good day.  Jamie and Michele missed us for the regular poolside wine and Rummikub adventures, so they ditched the boys and came over for lunch, mimosas and Rummikub.  Casey snuck in and surprised them at how much he's changing.  At over 6' tall now he's not the same little kid that I took over to Jamie and Bob's last Summer with his sisters for a pool day.  He's loving coming over to hang out so he hopes to be over next week as well.  Although it's not a bad deal.  He walks in, I give him a hug, hand him a plate of garlic rosemary tri-tip, salad, fruit, Manchego cheese, potato chips, and Dr. Pepper until he's ready for round two.  No wonder he says coming over "is so relaxing."   

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